Sunrise, Sunset

There is scientific evidence that music can help to ease the symptoms of depression – .With this in mind, we invite you to take time out from your busy schedule, relax momentarily and listen to our “Inspiring Music Selection for Today”, personally selected for you by our President, Karl.

Today’s selection is Sunrise, Sunset (from the 1964 Broadway masterpiece musical “Fiddler on the Roof”).  According to Karl: “The musical is about Jewish life in a village in imperial Russia at the turn of the 20th century.  The song is performed at the wedding of Tzeitel, the eldest daughter of the poor milkman Tevye and his wife Golde. The two parents sing about how they can’t believe their daughter and her groom have grown up, while Hodel and Perchik sing about whether there may be a wedding in the nearby future for them.”

“The combination of the lyrics and the hypnotic music will evoke in the listener a haunting and emotional experience. The backdrop scene captures many different emotions – happiness, regret, joy, sadness, nostalgia, hope.  The song speaks to people of all cultures. We all have the same dreams and aspirations for our children, wanting the best for them.”